diumenge, 28 de setembre del 2014

Sten Larris visits our school

After I pass the organization to my schoolmates, they succeeded inviting Sten Larris to our school.
I have to say that I was surprised they finally did it, and I have to admit that I was wrong not trusting them. Congratulations! Well done! And thanks! :)
It was great to have him here, we just walked few steps into the forest, side-by-side with our school, and started to find lots of mushrooms, and Sten explained all we wanted to know and much more.
We learn to identify some mushrooms, and one of them was especially interesting, the "honey mushroom", because in the forest there is plenty of it.
There was a very good mood between us and Sten, and he said he would like to come back, so I guess he also felt very well here. Det var hyggelig! (it was cozy!)

Visit to an Arla dairy in Århus

Past september 24th our teacher Florence and us went to an educational visit to one of Arla's dairies, not far from our school.
It was interesting to see directly how works actually a big dairy, in this case they make mainly yogurt. But a lot of yogurt.
We were lucky to have a wisdom "tourist" guide, who answered all our questions, which were many (she said that, because she has usually children visits), and often very difficult. It was good that she was very patient with us.
Here you can see a truck with fresh milk from the farms, unloading it to the dairy tanks.
Inside the facilities, hearing to our guide.
Bogdan and female farm animals: good combination (they love him)
We tasted many different yogurts, some of them organic, some others don't. It was very educational ;)
Back to the school, by bus. Some guys were saying something like "we know where you live", and things like that... ;)

My classroom

As you can see, it's very close to the forest, called Ringelmose skov. I love it.

dimecres, 24 de setembre del 2014

My practices week

As is planned in our course, we had to work in a real farm for one week, for practices, in the 37th week of 2014.
I went to a farm in south Sjælland, close to Vordingborg, and I stayed amazingly comfortable, entertained and satisfied with the work very much, and also I learned many things.
Those are some of the pictures I took, I hope you like it.

dimecres, 10 de setembre del 2014

Picking mushrooms with Sten Larris

Sten Larris is known to be the foremost expert on mushrooms in Denmark, and, casually, he lives only around 30 kms far from our school, in Grenå (we are in Kalø).
My schoolmate Nikolaj suggested me to ask Sten for visiting him, and although I thought it was too daring, I tried, and I succeeded. It was so easy that it was difficult to accept.
I ask him to visit the school, and he agreed, but it was difficult to me to organise my schoolmates, so I gave up, and ask for help to other students (Kristoffer, Anton,...), who said it was easy to do it. I leaved the arrengement on their hands.
 But I wanted to meet Sten Larris in any case, so I asked about visiting him at his place, and he invited me to have breakfast and lunch in his place. Such a luxury! Everything was easy and smooth, we visited two forests he knows, and a little glimpse to the beach, and we picked a lot of mushrooms (you can see only a part, we filled this basket three times). And as desert, Sten drove me back to the school on his car... to me and my bike! Amazing! Such a nice man!
The end of the day, well, it was not so nice. I'm not sure if the mushrooms I ate were too raw, or maybe I ate too many, but the conclusion, to be polite, is that I spent all night going to the toilet and "outflowing", like water, as Bruce Lee said :s
Now I feel better, thanks, buddies ;)

P.S. The picture is not very good technically, sorry for that, I sub-exposed it by mistake A LOT, so I had to use photoshop to clear it a little, but then appears blur and weird colors. But I hope you understand that in photography, sometimes is better just to catch the moment, than a technically-perfect picture with no soul...

dimarts, 9 de setembre del 2014

Rui O Sr Culturas skating

  This is my classmate Rui, who loves skate, and I don't know how, in the middle of Djursland, he and Patrick and Jonas found a skatepark, where we went to skate (him) and hang around (us). Well, I took some pictures ;)